How Russian s-400 defence system works | why usa is against Russian s-400 defence system | s-400 vs Israeli Iron Dome

s400 analysis 


How Russian s-400 defence system works:

In this post, we are going to understand how the Russian s-400  missile defense system works and why it is seen as a threat to the American stealth technology. So there are basically four components, I'm going to tell you in a way that is very easy to comprehend. So there are four components. If at all, any country wants to buy this piece of Russian advanced hardware, it will come with four competence. At first there is a long range surveillance radar. It is basically a huge military vehicle that is loaded up with a big radar. It's a nine one and six E model radar. It is an upgraded variant of the six four and six e radar. The nine one and six a variant has the same antenna design, but the transmitting power is much higher. It is said that this radar can detect up to 300 targets at a time. This radar has a panoramic detection system with up to 600 kilometer range and it also has protection against jammers. Now this radar is mounted on an MZKT-7930 truck, which is the Russian military eight by eight heavy duty transporter vehicle. Then there is a command vehicle which is basically a 55K6E military truck that acts as a command and control center. After that, there is an engagement radar, which is a 92N6E model radar. This is a multifunctional radar with a range of around 400 kilometres, there is another radar which is the 96L6E model, it is an all altitude detector, this piece of equipment is optional. Similarly, there is also an optional 40V6MR model radar, which is basically meant to detect targets flying at a low altitudes and at a longer distance. Even this piece of equipment is optional. Depending on a country specification and requirement. You know, that's how orders are placed. Just like when you go to buy a car, there are different variants right high end low end and mid end. Each variant has additional features. Similarly even this entire s 400 defense system has some optional components that can be purchased based on country's personal defense requirements. Anyhow, and the last component is the launch vehicle itself. There is a trailer on which 5P85TE2 missile launches are kept and the trailer is attached to a 10 by 10 heavy duty military truck. This trailer has four missile storage containers, which are also called launchers. This entire system is equipped with four different types of missiles short range 9M96E missile that has a range of about 40 kilometers, then medium range 9M96E2 missile with a range of about 120 kilometers, then long range 48N6 missile that has a range of about 250 kilometers. And you can also fire very long range 40N6E missiles that have a range of about 400 kilometres. So these are the four components of the Russian s 400 missile defense system. 

How Russian s-400 works :

Now the way this works is at first, this long range surveillance radar is going to track objects in the air, then it passes on the information to the command vehicle. This command vehicle carries out further assessment whether the flying object is friendly or enemy. Once the command vehicle identifies the target, it gives the order to the launch vehicle. That is how any of the four missiles depending on orders are launched. Now the interesting thing to note here is that you can buy multiple launch vehicles and place them at different locations. This way the command vehicle can pass the target data to the best place launch vehicle and that is how surface to air missiles can be launched. Once the missile is launched, the engagement radar helps in guiding the missile towards the target. So what happens is that the long range surveillance radar and the engagement radar both interact with each other based on the information received the flight path or you can see the trajectory of the missile is set. So this is how the s 400 air defense system works. I've already shown you the kind of missiles that can be fired from the S 400 system that is short range, medium range, long range and very long range missiles. That means the s 400 system can detect and shoot on cruise missiles, guided missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles, stealth fighter aircraft, drones and many more.

why USA is against Russian s-400

Now speaking of fighter aircraft, you must have heard in the news that the United States and NATO allies have always shown resistant towards any country that wants to buy the s 400 system, whether it is Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria or India. Many countries have shown interest in buying the Russian missile system, but they have faced a regulatory hurdles from the United States. It wasn't easy for India to the United States has many times directly as well as indirectly want India that it could face sanctions if it continues to pursue its interests in buying the s 400 system. United States has a sanction which is called the CAATSA sanction. Its full form is countering America's adversaries through Sanctions Act.

It is quite self explanatory. You can easily understand that if any country in the world has a plan which can be a potential threat to the United States, then as per this act, the United States will take countermeasures. And those measures are primarily in the form of sanctions. sanction is like a penalty. And that penalty is usually aimed towards a particular country's economy. After all, money is at the root of almost everything in this world. Hence, the idea is that you hit the right spot, then you can potentially control your opponent. Plus, no country in this world wants to see its economy go down. So America uses the CAATSA sanction to safeguard its position of being a superior country in the world. Anyhow, so America has warned India many times and have said, If India tries to acquire the Russian s 400 system, then it may face US sanctions. 

So now the question is why America is behaving like this? Why the US is against any country purchasing the s 400 defense system from Russia? And the answer is simply because of its capabilities. The s 400 system is among the most advanced air defense system available right now in this world. It is almost on par with anything that America has to offer. This system is so precise that it can detect a large number of potential targets at once, including stealth targets. That is what constrains the United States. Americans do not want the stealth aircraft to be anywhere near the s 400 system. Because this Russian advanced military hardware can access the American stealth aircraft vulnerabilities. Now imagine if you look at the American stealth aircraft like the F 22, Raptor, F 35, lightning b2 bomber and many more, these advanced military aircraft give America the much needed edge. That is why they don't sell these aircraft to any country. Now suppose if these stealth aircraft are detected by the s 400 system, there will be a huge demand for weapons that have the potential to counter American stealth aircraft. So if you see that is against the American interests, so countries that have shown interest in buying the Russian s 400 system were threatened with some kind of diplomatic retaliation from either the United States or NATO countries. The s 400 system is the most advanced weapons system available right now in the market. And that is why many countries are showing interest in buying it. Now, just imagine if more and more countries buy this different system, the United States will not be able to fly the drones and they will not be able to acquire Intel. That is how the American forces are always ahead, because they get the intelligence much before anyone else with the help of the satellites and drones. If more and more countries installed this defense system, then American technology will come under detection. And if that happens, just imagine all the NATO countries that formed the Alliance, there will be a potential breakout in this alliance. And if you see America individually is not that strong. It is because of the cooperation from its allies and partners, United States reaffirms its superpower image. Now United States implemented the cuts of sanction in the year 2017. It was done as a response to alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections and military involvement in both Ukraine and Syria. I hope you understood everything about the s 400 defense system, and why it is a threat to the NATO air defense system and American stealth technology. 

S-400 vs iron dome :

And by the way, many of you must be thinking, how about the Israeli  Iron Dome , if we compare the s 400 versus the Iron Dome, which is better? You see the Iron Dome system was designed to intercept and destroy shorter targets that are within the range anywhere between four kilometer to 70 kilometres away. Both are good in their own segments. But as 400 system is a top of the line surface to air missile system meant to destroy both small and huge targets, which are hundreds of kilometers away. You can think of it like this as 400 system is the parent and Ireland don't miss the child. But yes, I didn't miss much faster, less expensive and the battery capacity is much higher compared to s 400 system.

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